Dew It Fitness WOD 3/14/18 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 3/14/18

March 13, 2018



One rep max testing:

Jerk 1RM

Clean 1RM

Deadlift stragglers

*The purpose of the jerk max is to test how much weight you can get over your head. You may choose to complete the push press, push jerk, or split jerk. We will cover these in class and you can do whichever you are most comfortable with.

Muscular endurance:

4 Rounds –

6 Side bends (Left)

1A Farmer carry x 60ft (Left)

6 Side bends (Right)

1A Farmer carry x 60ft (Right)

6 Barbell rollouts

Metabolic Conditioning:

6 Min AMRAP –

8 Wall balls

8 Box jumps

6 Min AMRAP –

12 Jumping jacks

12 Mountain climbers / side


Three rep max testing:

Jerk 3RM

High pull 3RM

Deadlift stragglers

*Testing the three rep max is safer than the one rep because it will be easier to preserve form and technique due to less weight used. We will use a calculation to estimate your one rep max based on your three rep max.

**The purpose of the jerk three rep max is to test how much weight you can get over your head. You may choose to complete the press, push press, or push jerk. We will not use the split jerk since we do not typically learn it in the beginner class. We will cover these in class and you can do whichever you are most comfortable with.

Muscular endurance:

4 Rounds –

6 KB Side bends (Left)

1A Farmer carry x 60ft (Left)

6 KB Side bends (Right)

1A Farmer carry x 60ft (Right)

6 Barbell rollouts

Metabolic Conditioning:

6 Min AMRAP –

8 Wall balls

8 Box jumps

6 Min AMRAP –

12 Jumping jacks

12 Mountain climbers / side

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