Dew It Fitness WOD 8/10/18 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 8/10/18

August 09, 2018




Three sets of:

Barbell glute bridges x 8 reps @ 20X1 (go heavy)

Dumbbell death march x 20 reps

Supinated pullups x max Reps @ 1111

Rest 3 minutes

Chipper #1:

10 Forward – backward shuffles x 15 ft each

10 Lateral shuffles x 15 ft each

50 Med ball slams

40 High knees

20 Power cleans

15 Toes to bar

5 Eddie Gordos

10 Lateral shuffles x 15 ft each

10 Forward – backward shuffles x 15 ft each

5 Eddie Gordos

15 Toes to bar

20 Power cleans

40 High knees

50 Med ball slams

10 Forward – backward shuffles x 15 ft each

10 Lateral shuffles x 15 ft each

Chipper #2:

Sled push x 40 ft

40 Oblique climbers / side

Sled push x 40 ft

30 Sumo deadlift high pulls

Sled push x 40 ft

20 Plank up downs

Sled push x 40 ft

10 chops

Sled push x 40 ft

*Everything is double count unless specified otherwise



Three sets of:

Barbell glute bridges x 8 reps @ 20X1 (go heavy)

6 Single leg deadlifts / side

Supinated bar inverted rows x max Reps @ 1111

Rest 3 minutes

Chipper #1:

7 Forward – backward shuffles x 15 ft each

7 Lateral shuffles x 15 ft each

40 Med ball slams

30 High knees

15 Med ball cleans

10 Leg raises

5 Eddie Gordos

7 Lateral shuffles x 15 ft each

7 Forward – backward shuffles x 15 ft each

5 Eddie Gordos

10 Leg raises

15 Med ball cleans

30 High knees

40 Med ball slams

7 Forward – backward shuffles x 15 ft each

7 Lateral shuffles x 15 ft each

Chipper #2:

Sled push x 40 ft

30 Oblique climbers / side

Sled push x 40 ft

30 Sumo deadlift high pulls

Sled push x 40 ft

15 Plank up downs

Sled push x 40 ft

10 Chops

Sled push x 40 ft

*Everything is double count unless specified otherwise

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